Monday, March 10, 2008

haha finally!!!

hey hey people.. and haruna.... finally i have the time to write.. actually i always had the time.. i am just too lazy to update my blog... i actually have alot of stuff to write about but just lazy.. hehe.. anyways just got my pay last week.. spent about $400 plus in 4 days.. my heart aches.. hahaha.... still need to do alot more of shopping and need money.. haiz.. I HATE WORKING... it totally suckzz and the worst part is that for 8 friggin hours we cant have any kind of entertainment. how sucky is that.. hmm coming to another topic, me, haruna, her fren and my brother went clubbing on friday.. we went to zouk first.. IT TOTALLY SUCKED.. and i am not exaggerating when i say that we were practically falling asleep there... we really were yawning away so we decided not to waste the night and went to MOS... that rocked.. mos is a really cool place for an english club... got to check out a few cute guys.. one of them could really dance well.. haha.. my brother was falling asleep STANDING UP!!!... me and my frenz had fun though... thatz the point.. danced till our toes killed us... NEVER WEAR HILLS FOR CLUBBIN... my whole body was aching the next day... ouch!!... haruna slept over in my house... she got my bed.. haha.. slept until abt 1 plus and we got woken up by the noise of sun tv.. arghh... screw home theater system.. anddddddd here i am, its sunday night and i just took leave for tomorrow becoz i am drinkin tonight.. heehaaaaa... drinkin with my cousin brother and his galfren and my brothers... they are talking about how to make money.. i am bored... haha... anyways i got inspired to update my blog thanks to haruna's tag... haha... yay can sleep tomorrow.. hooray...

PS: if any of you guys parents or grandparents or even readers are suffering from any illness or sickness or anything drop me a tag... i have i simple solution for it.. this really works... not a hoax guys... i am not trying to sell anything.. just trying to help.. its certified by doctors.. so just drop me a tag.. a real money making deal.. thank you.. :)

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